Birthday Month! Turning 40!

It’s April Fools day! And Easter! I didn’t do a whole hell of a lot today, walked Posey, we went by the farm and it was open, so I dropped her off at home and went to see the new lamb. It was small and sleeping and super cute. I also saw some piglets which were also very cute, and some goats. Then I did weights for a half an hour and managed to do three sets of 10 different exercises with them, so that was good. Now my shoulder hurts though and I think I might have fucked it up or strained it or something.

I had an Easter dinner with my friends on Friday. My friend Erin told me that the dismal stats for IVF rates are skewed because the majority of them are based on cishet couples already facing fertility problems. And queer people making babies have way better chances. So I feel a bit more hopeful about that. Queer bonuses!

I’m finally in the last stretch of my 30’s! I’m turning 40 on the 26th of April, and I am super excited about it. I’m ready! I’M READY! I mean, I can’t say my 30’s were shitty, I did a lot of crucial personal growth in my 30’s, like health wise in terms of kicking my addictions, and career wise, and education wise. And moving to Toronto was a good event. But for some reason I feel better about my 40’s coming up. I feel like I might be more myself. I am not sure what I mean by that. I guess, that I feel I might be able to learn to love myself as I am and not feel like I need to push myself to be someone else. That probably sounds funny when I just started doing boxing this year and my body is changing. But I feel like I am more able to start asserting my needs more frequently, especially in relationships. Like things I want to explore in sexual relationships, and the level of commitment I am ready for, and the future I see for myself. Because I feel like I spent a lot of my 30’s being so wishy washy and a pushover when it came to romantic relationships where I would just take what I could get, and what I could get was usually so very little. And now I don’t want those kind of shallow non-relationships anymore. I want someone who’s brave enough to state what they want and make a commitment to me and be just as into the idea of a family. Like, I’ve never lived with anyone before. I like living alone, but also it would be nice to know someone is coming home to me, or that when I go home someone is waiting. Like just things like that. But at the same time I don’t want to spend the rest of my adult life feeling like I need to make someone love me if it isn’t happening. Yeah.

And I think I’m going to start taking less shit from people. Like I think I’m just gonna be way more assertive. It would be nice, to feel like I’m making myself heard. Like when I’m in a concert and someone is talking loud and being a jackass, I wanna be able to tell them to shut up! That kind of thing.

But also I think a lot of good things are gonna happen in my 40’s. Like I do think I’m gonna have a family, and I think my career is gonna go well. I would like to be financially stable. I’m not real sure how that is going to happen, but I know there must be a way to do what I love and have a steady income. I want to stay in this co-op. I really want to be able to get into a three bedroom when I have kids, but I’m not sure about it because it’s hard to get into three bedrooms here. But that would be nice. I want to train Posey to be a more secure dog so she can have some people-friends she trusts, and it would be a bonus if those people she trusted were also my friends and future lovers. I would like to have a credit card, and not because I feel like I want to go on shopping sprees, but more because I want to be able to check into a hotel and not have to worry about getting denied because I have no credit card. It’s hard cause I’ve never had a an actual job for a long enough period of time to have a credit card.

I would like to feel like I am getting somewhere in therapy and resolve some old shit that has been hanging around my life for too long. I would like to let go of things that have made me angry for years that won’t ever be resolved, without feeling like I have to forgive the people who hurt me. I would like to meditate again. I would like to feel like I have a spiritual practice that makes sense to me. I would like to find the right person to give me my spirit name that isn’t gendered and is also Plains Cree. I would like to learn more Plains Cree, enough to have a conversation, even if it’s just a ridiculous conversation. I would like to know the Cree word for my particular gender and orientation. I would like to know more ASL and be able to have and understand a dialogue with another ASL signer. I would like to keep learning boxing and feeling like I am familiar with my body. I’d like to be more sexually adventurous even on my own. Maybe especially on my own, I kind of landed in a rut with my vibrator and I have about $1800 worth of sex toys that AREN’T getting used when they could be. I remember when I was younger and lived alone for the first time I was doing so many things on my own and finding out so much stuff about myself like how much I liked hot wax. Now I don’t even remember the last time I used hot wax in play. I want to find an adventurous partner who also really loves kissing as much as I do and would be happy just sitting around making out and that would be like a solid date activity. I want to be able to tell my friends they are assholes when they insult me instead of weakly smiling like I don’t give a shit. I would like to have enough money that I can do the big things I want to do without freaking out and worrying all the time. I would like to feel secure enough that I don’t always have to check my bank account. I would like to be able to go on more holidays without needing to time them to a convenient screening that happens to be in that location.

Yeah, I feel like all of those things are doable. One other thing is I would like to take more emotional risks, even if I fall on my face and make things awkward. I feel like there are things worth taking risks over. I feel like there are some people in my life who I’m talking with but really know there is a whole other conversation we should be having but we aren’t, and we need to have those conversations, and I need to be brave enough to take a risk and bring it up. I feel like I want to tell people I love them more often, especially when I feel it so strongly I don’t know what else to say and I get all flustered and miss the moment. And I want to hug more friends. And see more people. And go out into the world more often and stuff.

Yeah it’s a lot. There’s a whole lot of career stuff I want to do too, but that’s something else.

I think being 40 might feel really liberating. It would be nice to step out of my 30’s and feel like there’s a line between some really self destructive patterns I was in, and my future, which could be all of these great things.

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